12 newsletters for frontend developers
Frontend development is a field that changes daily, and to stay up-to-date, I need a steady source of new information. One way I do this is through newsletters.
Here’s a list of some of the newsletters I subscribe to for all the latest frontend news:
- React Status - For, you know, React stuff.
- CSS Layout News - Rachel Andrew maintains this newsletter about CSS layout.
- Smashing Magazine - From the brilliant people at Smashing Magazine, of course.
- Design Systems News - Great information on creating and maintaining successful design systems.
- CSS-Tricks Newsletter - Weekly newsletter from the CSS-Tricks team.
- JavaScript Weekly - All the JavaScript you can handle.
- Node Weekly - Even more JavaScript, this time focusing on Node.js.
- Screenlane - Interesting UI animation examples and tutorials.
- RWD Weekly - I know it says Responsive Web Design, but it’s a good source for general frontend dev information.
- Frontend Focus - Focuses on frontend, oddly enough.
- JAMstacked - You know I gotta have that JAMstack info.
- WebAIM Newsletter - Get the latest information regarding WebAIM and accessibility on the web.
Do you have a favorite newsletter? I would be forever grateful if you tell me all about it. And if you liked this list, check out this list of books for developers I just wrote about.